Wellbeing at Work are commissioned by Plymouth City Council to deliver services to businesses in Plymouth or to those businesses with over 50% of their employees having a Plymouth postcode.

Perfectly drinkable tap water!

Perfectly drinkable tap water!

Perfectly drinkable tap water! It’s easy to forget to drink enough water.  We often drink tea or coffee but this doesn’t give us the same health benefits that water does. I have started my new routine of working from home with a bottle of water and a glass next to my...
Working from Home Day One

Working from Home Day One

Jenny – Wellbeing at Work Advisor Day one of working from home and I have some assistance from one of my fur babies called Bluebell.  Do you know that pets can help reduce workplace stress and nurture productivity? Unfortunately Bluebell cannot type or contribute to...
Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our Blog! So the Wellbeing at Work Team are now working from home in accordance with the government guidance and legislation on Covid-19.  We thought we would keep you up-to-date with lots of hints and tips on keeping well during these uncertain times.  We...