Wellbeing at Work are commissioned by Plymouth City Council to deliver services to businesses in Plymouth or to those businesses with over 50% of their employees having a Plymouth postcode.

World Breastfeeding Awareness Week

World Breastfeeding Week, a week-long celebration to protect, promote and support breastfeeding, and to help institutionalize breastfeeding within health care systems

Cycle to Work Day

Our cycle commuting celebration has been a massive success over the last decade. Thousands of commuters have made the switch to cycling to work. They’ve got fitter, reduced their stress levels, saved loads of money on commuting costs – which has never been more important – and done their bit for the environment. So, this […]

Money and Loan Shark Awareness Workshop with the Stop Loan Shark Team

MS Teams , United Kingdom

Join us online via msTeams for an interactive 1 hour workshop on Money and Loan Sharks by the Loan Shark Team. There are currently 1.2 million people in debt to loan sharks in England alone and this is expected to rise to 10 million within the next 3 years due to the ever increasing cost […]

Know Your Numbers Week

Know Your Numbers! raises awareness of high blood pressure, encouraging all UK adults to get a blood pressure check.

World Suicide Prevention Day

Every year, organisations and communities around the world come together to raise awareness of how we can create a world where fewer people die by suicide.

National Pension Awareness Week

Everyone deserves to be able to retire right. But how can we when we’re battling with the cost of living? Tune in for free to the 9th consecutive Pension Awareness to discover what you can do now to protect your money and future.

Great British Beach Clean

Every September thousands of people across the UK head to the coast to take part in the Great British Beach Clean.

Eye Health Week

Vision really matters. Sight is the sense people fear losing the most, yet many of us don’t know how to look after our eyes – National Eye Health Week aims to change all that!

National Fitness Day

Fitness Unites Us – We believe physical activity has the ability to bring people together and to positively impact on all of our physical, mental and social wellbeing. Therefore during the campaign we will celebrate how a huge range of activities can be enjoyed by participants of all ages and backgrounds.

World Car Free Day

22 September is World Car Free Day, when all around the world towns and cities allow people to experience streets free of motor traffic. It's a great chance to re-imagine our streets around people.

UK National Inclusion Week

What is National Inclusion Week? Founded by Inclusive Employers, National Inclusion Week (NIW) is a week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces. Millions of you joined us for National Inclusion Week 2022 with the theme ‘Time to Act: The Power of Now’. The theme for National Inclusion Week 2023 will be […]

Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning

Macmillan's Coffee Morning is our biggest fundraising event to support people living with cancer People all over the UK host their own Coffee Morning and donations raised on the day are made to Macmillan. A Coffee Morning can be whatever you want it to be. It could be at home, on your driveway, a hall […]